Joined 2/1/2019
thomas said almost 2 years ago on Custom Turbo Stream Actions :
If you are using rails 7, chances are you are using the new importmap feature. Rails 7 is loading Turbo through the turbo-rails gem and importmap '@hotwired/turbo-rails', like so:
# config/importmap.rb
# you should see the following line
pin "@hotwired/turbo-rails", to: "turbo.min.js", preload: true

To access TurboStreams, don't import `@hotwired/turbo` nor `StreamActions`. Instead use Turbo made available in the window:
# app/javascript/turbo_streams/toast.js
# here we removed import { StreamActions } from ...
# and we use Turbo made available with turbo-rails gem instead
window.Turbo.StreamActions.toast = function() {
The new importmap feature aims to remove yarn dependency. To use toastify-js, you can add it to your config>importmap.rb
# config/importmap.rb
pin "toastify-js", to: ""
Then add the css tag in your view/layout
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", "", "data-turbo-track": "reload" %>

Hope that helps.