Joined 5/16/2020
wastetime909 said over 4 years ago on Progressive Web Applications :

This works well on development environment. What about production environment with Webpacker?  serviceworker-rails require sprockets for precompiling the js files for production. Can you provide some guidance on production environment, please? 


wastetime909 said over 4 years ago on Progressive Web Applications :
I got it working now. Thanks for your help!

wastetime909 said almost 4 years ago on Autocomplete with StimulusJS :

Got this problem when I checked chrome's console:
Any idea what caused this issue?


wastetime909 said about 1 year ago on Custom Dashboard - Part 1 :
Question related with the video player. Is there a keyboard shortcut I can use to start and stop the video? Right now I have to click the video to stop playing it, which can be quite cumbersome.


wastetime909 said 12 months ago on Custom Dashboard - Part 1 :
Got the following error message hope you are able to help me. This happened when I tried to edit the dashboard at ~60% of your video. Thank you.

  Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb
17:18:26 web.1  |   Rendering dashboards/edit.html.erb within layouts/application
17:18:26 web.1  |   Rendered dashboards/widgets/_fields.html.erb (Duration: 0.6ms | Allocations: 1461)
17:18:26 web.1  |   Rendered dashboards/_form.html.erb (Duration: 1.6ms | Allocations: 1653)
17:18:26 web.1  |   Rendered dashboards/edit.html.erb within layouts/application (Duration: 1.8ms | Allocations: 1715)
17:18:26 web.1  |   Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2.0ms | Allocations: 1806)
17:18:26 web.1  | Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 3496)
17:18:26 web.1  | 
17:18:26 web.1  | 
17:18:26 web.1  |  
17:18:26 web.1  | ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `hidden_field' for :widget_form:Symbol):
17:18:26 web.1  |     1: <%= form.hidden_field :_destroy, "data-input": "destroy" %>
17:18:26 web.1  |     2: <%= form.hidden_field :x, "data-input": "x" %>
17:18:26 web.1  |     3: <%= form.hidden_field :y, "data-input": "y" %>
17:18:26 web.1  |     4: <%= form.hidden_field :width, "data-input": "width" %>
17:18:26 web.1  |  
17:18:26 web.1  | app/views/dashboards/widgets/_fields.html.erb:1
17:18:26 web.1  | app/views/dashboards/_form.html.erb:17
17:18:26 web.1  | app/views/dashboards/_form.html.erb:16
17:18:26 web.1  | app/views/dashboards/_form.html.erb:14
17:18:26 web.1  | app/views/dashboards/_form.html.erb:1
17:18:26 web.1  | app/views/dashboards/edit.html.erb:3