☒ Importmaps is getting better, but I still prefer esbuild over importmaps. I think that there is still a disconnect with libraries that use CSS when consuming them with Importmaps.
My preferred way is to use jsbundling-rails (esbuild) and cssbundling-rails (bootstrap). This gives it more of a hybrid feel between the old Rails 4 way and webpacker, but without all of the overhead of webpacker.
If anything, you would use Importmaps for JS libraries and then CSSBundling for the CSS libraries. That's why I'd prefer esbuild and cssbundling over importmaps to get to a, what feels like a normal way, of managing assets.
rails new my_app \
--javascript esbuild \
--css bootstrap
In fact, I just keep the flags in my .railsrc file
I'm a bit split on that decision. I think that it does make sense. But, I would also assume anyone who is working with Docker would understand the difference. Perhaps this is a poor assumption. I think it does have some value to visibility as to the flavor being used in the docker-compose. I would probably leave this up to the team to decide on their preference as I'd be okay either way.
It’s part of Global Id in Rails. In the view, a signed global id is inserted as a data attribute and the record is located on the backend once’s passed through from the stimulus controller.