David Kimura PRO
Joined 7/18/2015
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Ruby Rogues Panelist
David Kimura PRO said about 3 years ago on Docker on Rails 7 :
Great tips   Thanks for sharing those.

I think that some have complained about Docker being slow even on the M1, but I never noticed those kinds of issues with taking 30 seconds or more for pages to load. I've never had to use Mutagen to get things synchronizing quickly. Maybe I'll give the gitlab oss repo a shot one day and see. I believe they have a docker config for development.

David Kimura PRO said about 3 years ago on Docker on Rails 7 :
  What does your Dockerfile look like? My guess is that the bundle volume mount isn't in the proper spot. I would notice this problem when I was either referencing an incorrect directory for this volume mount.

David Kimura PRO said about 3 years ago on Docker on Rails 7 :
Ok, and the docker-compose looks the same far as the volume stuff goes?

David Kimura PRO said about 3 years ago on Docker on Rails 7 :
Try docker compose up --build to see if rebuilding the images help. There could have been some weird issue with the file sync. Is this your first time trying docker   or have you been using it for some time?

David Kimura PRO said about 3 years ago on Docker on Rails 7 :
I would have a separate Dockerfile for the production image. In my case, if I do deploy to an x86 production environment, I would need to build the image anyways. I would do this in my CI/CD platform, but if I had to do it on my local machine (Apple Silicon SoC) then I would have to emulate the x86 CPU. So, between this and needing to have entrypoints, commands, or exposing ports, I would rather have a bit of duplication between dockerfiles and have separate environment specific ones.

Side note, this is the command that I use to build for different platforms and CPUs. 

docker buildx build -f Dockerfile --platform linux/amd64 -t registry/app_name:tag --push .