David Kimura PRO
Joined 7/18/2015
Drifting Ruby Owner
Ruby Rogues Panelist
David Kimura PRO said 5 months ago :
I've been meaning to cover something like this where when using importmaps and libraries that provide CSS. I think there are a few different approaches you could take. 

  • You could still rely on yarn and "double install" (via importmaps and yarn) the library. In your CSS, you can import the css libraries, but then use the importmaps as you normally would.
  • You can manually download the CSS file from the version that you're using. This should work if the library provides a minified CSS file. In your app/assets/stylesheets, I would create a vendor folder and place them in there.

I haven't done much research on either of these to determine the best route, but could be something worth exploring.

David Kimura PRO said 5 months ago on Tracking Writebook Changes :
Yes, you could. You would basically need to have a proxy where any requests to /writebook would be forwarded to a different ip/port/site/etc. You could probably do this at a CloudFlare level with a page rule that matches /writebook/* to forward to a different address. Typically with Apache or Nginx, you would use a proxy pass through to another location.

David Kimura PRO said 4 months ago on Campfire Deploy with Kamal :
  hugo.kindel It's a good idea to have the services on different Redis databases. However, keep in mind that Redis does not support different configurations for the databases (volatile vs nonvolatile) as you would need different Redis services for each type.

David Kimura PRO said 4 months ago :
You could try to create a .keep file in the tmp folder. Make sure your .dockerignore isn't excluding the tmp folder.

Something like this is in the Rails main's .dockerignore.

# Ignore all logfiles and tempfiles.

David Kimura PRO said 4 months ago :
Ah, the /tmp it is referring to may be the system tmp folder. You may want to see if you can create the tempfile within your Rails folder's tmp. My thought is that the dockerfile is changing the user and this user doesn't have access to write there.