It shouldn't have been missing the |form| that was generated from the scaffold generators. I did move it down to the next line. I record the videos in 1920x1080 with a 3 window zoom level so, real estate on the screen is pretty valuable. Moving the arguments down to the next line makes it a bit easier to read while watching the video. Is this what you were referring to?
☒ There isn't really a rule, but more practices that I've come about. Basically, and whenever possible, instance variables shouldn't go in a partial. It's too easy to reuse the partial and forget to declare the instance variable. Generally, if there is a nested situation like [@ticket, comment], this would be a situation where if the @ticket wasn't assigned then there would likely be a lot more problems. However, it is still "good" practices to avoid the instance variables in the partials if possible. On top levels, i.e., a new action sets an instance variable and this renders new.html.erb, I would be a lot more likely to consume the instance variable within that new.html.erb.