☒ it appears to be an issue with stimulus 2.0.0 since the library isn't having it as a required dependency and causing a double loading of the Stimulus library. See this page as a workaround. https://github.com/afcapel/stimulus-autocomplete/pull/26
Basically, You would need to add this code as if it were one of your own stimulus controllers and give it a proper file name so that it works with your existing code which invokes the controller. You would also need to add lodash.debounce via yarn.
☒ I think that keeping things in webpacker right now is not a mistake. One nice thing about the webpacker approach is that things can be kept really isolated. Personally, I'm going to keep using webpacker since I've not experienced any issues with it that haven't been relatively easy to resolve.
When I tried creating a new Rails application where with Turbo and with the Asset Pipeline, there were complications with getting libraries to load in properly. Especially in scenarios where I wanted to just do an import on a JS library like FullCalendar and have things work smoothly.