richard_wiltshire PRO
Joined 1/24/2018
richard_wiltshire PRO said over 6 years ago on Service Objects for API Interactions with Twilio :
Well done! At 5 minutes in, could you please tell me which episode you are referencing? Thanks

richard_wiltshire PRO said 7 months ago on Kanban from Scratch :
Hey David! Tons of fun! One of your best! I am looking forward to the next video.

I added a leave function to update the "is-dragging-over." It can be use to highlight the potential drop columns.

handleDragLeave(event) {

richard_wiltshire PRO said 7 months ago on Kanban from Scratch Part 2 :
Hi David, 

Enjoying the episode.

Can you please verify the code tab has the latest version? In particular, the kanban_board_controller.js. 
