Sam Van Damme PRO
Joined 5/15/2017
Sam Van Damme PRO said over 7 years ago on Custom Error Pages with Slack Notification :

Awesome, I could really use this.


Sam Van Damme PRO said over 7 years ago on Basic Testing Introduction in Rails :

Congrats! You made me a lot smarter :)

I would love more testing tutorials.

Sam Van Damme PRO said almost 3 years ago on PDFs with Prawn :
Another idea for a follow up video is running Prawn in an AWS Lambda function and drop the PDF in S3. Any chance this is coming up?

Thank you for this one, many good ideas!

Sam Van Damme PRO said almost 2 years ago on Active Storage Validators :
Thank you for the video, really interesting! 
One remark is that when you update another attribute on the Movie that has nothing to do with the poster image, the poster image will still be loaded to make the validations. Any idea how we could avoid this?


Sam Van Damme PRO said 7 months ago on Kanban from Scratch :
Very good video, and a followup would be appreciated 🤗