Tim Dowling PRO
Joined 1/28/2019
Tim Dowling PRO said almost 3 years ago on PDFs with Prawn :
Once you get used to working with Prawn it's very quick and easy. What would you recommend using converting a user customised template (maybe through liquid) to PDF? 

Tim Dowling PRO said over 2 years ago on Liquid Templates :
Thanks for this   David Kimura  very helpful!

Tim Dowling PRO said over 2 years ago on Hotwire Introduction :
This is great! I've been looking to create a combo box (that's not just a dropdown select) and this can be modified to do just that!

Tim Dowling PRO said about 2 years ago on TailwindUI Calendar :
This is the best, thanks for the effort that went into this one   David Kimura  

I can replace my rather expensive JS calendar plugin with these eventually!

Tim Dowling PRO said about 1 month ago on Refreshing Turbo Frames :
What about refreshing after a controller action? Do we just replace / update the frame?